Raise your hand if you have ever heard someone say that they talk to God. Raise your other hand if you ever thought that they were crazy?
I see you over there with both hands raised.
I used to be the same way. I couldn't grasp how that was possible. Why would some big far away God be bothered with the day to day world of little old me?
But then I tried it and little by little I started to hear as well. At first it was a whisper, a suggestion that I used to think was my subconscious. But when I started reading the Bible I realized that those thoughts I had were concepts that were straight out of the Bible; concepts that I had never “learned” before.
Intrigued, I started to listen to the little whisper more and more and in time it became much louder to the point where now I can’t imagine how I navigated through life without it before.
My challenge to you is to spend just ten minutes a day in conversation with God. For the first five minutes say whatever you like. Be honest. God is not easily offended and plus he already knows your thoughts anyways.
Then spend at least another five minutes LISTENING.
That's right... shut your mouth (quiet the mind) and just listen. You will find that in the clutter of the million thoughts in your head a quiet will arrive and the voice of God will emerge.
In the beginning ten minutes may seem like a lot but I have a feeling that as the days go on you will look up and be surprised to find that 15, 20, even 30 minutes have passed and you won't know where the time went.
Before we start make sure to keep in mind these three things:
God loves you.
Have fun
And most importantly, you are not crazy.
Let's do this.
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