Tuesday, February 14, 2012

21 Days of Listening Day 20: Forgiveness and Friendship

During these past 21 days of listening one of my longtime friends has been on my spirit. For years we have talked and debated about everything.

Oh how I love to debate!

Recently we have been having conversations about the Bible. He has gotten back into the Word and is super excited about what he has read so far. It is amazing to see how God is working in his life.

Unfortunately some folks we recently met shared some ideas that weren’t exactly in line with the scripture. These ideas made him question whether or not he should still be obeying the laws of Moses. When he brought up one of the issues while hanging out with our friends I responded to him by asking some tough questions. I asked him why he felt he should obey them. Why did it matter? The conversation didn’t go bad per se, but it definitely didn’t go as well as it could have.

The next day he sent me a text and asked if we could talk about the Word because he wanted to get some things straight about Jesus. Excited, I replied “sure!”

Then the Holy Spirit showed up again. He allowed me to feel the grief that He was feeling. When I searched for understanding as to why I was feeling this way the Holy Spirit replayed the conversation from the day before and showed me my error.

I had not responded with the love of Jesus.

Fortunately, I’d have another chance to make it right.

We talked after work and I apologized to him. I said that I should have been much more loving and not so confrontational about what he was trying to share. He forgave me! And then he also apologized for the years where I gently suggested that he read the scripture for himself or shared something I had learned but he was resistant to hearing it.

It was a wonderful call full of healing, ministry, and growth. I’m looking forward to sharing more with him in the future.

Today was a great day.

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