About Me

Hmmm… so I guess I should say a bit about myself.

I grew up in the Los Angeles area going back and forth between two very different worlds. My Dad’s house was a spiritual world where the magic of life was allowed to sparkle before my young eyes. My Mom’s house was a one of critical thinking and exploration. No topic was too small, no thought without value.

When I got to college and started to look around at the folks who represented Christianity politically, socially and historically I didn’t see where I fit. If they were Christians then what was I?

So after several years in that space I decided to give the Bible one last shot. A good friend of mine and I read it together and that experience of sharing ideas and questions was tremendously powerful.

I realized that my issues weren’t with the Bible; they were with folks who claimed to be its representatives.Once I got these folks out of the picture I was able to see that magic again.

The purpose of this blog is very simple.

For those folks who see the Bible as this big scary book, here is an opportunity to see it from another perspective.For those folks who see the Bible as too daunting a hill to climb, I can be the friend reading a long with you while you seek your own understanding.For those folks who have read it before and want to read it again I can be the friend who reminds you that your questions, doubts and concerns are ok. Questioning is good as long as we don’t stop until we get some answers.

So let’s read together, laugh together, and learn together.

Welcome to the conversation. 
Creative Commons License
A Convo With God by Clarence Mitchell III is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at AConvoWithGod.com.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://AConvoWithGod.com/