Monday, February 7, 2011

Why Are You Praying For Me?

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness 1 Timothy 2:1-2

Today’s Reading: Isaiah 65-66; 1 Timothy 2

Have you ever had someone pray for you? If you weren’t Christian at the time then I bet it felt really weird. This person puts their hand on you and then starts talking to some God that you think is probably a figment of their imagination. Then depending on the person they might have been extra reverent and solemn or they may have erupt into some extra sanctified version of hyphy behavior. You feel trapped! You’re looking for an exit. How do I get out of here?

Haha well I hope your experience wasn’t that bad. Us Christian folks view prayer as an act of love. What better thing can we do for someone than wish them well before God you know? Many of us pray for all kinds of things ranging from some new sneakers to world peace. Sure, from the outside looking in it may all seem to be nothing more than hogwash and tomfoolery but hey, we believe in its power.

It’s how we get down.

So next time someone offers to pray for you try not to immediately recoil as if moving your hand from a hot stove. Just think about it from the context of love. When someone prays for you, they are demonstrating their love for you. After all, who doesn’t want more love in their life right?



  1. Hello Man of God,
    You make some excellent points. Being mindful of others as you extend prayer for someone is an extremely powerful act of love.

    I believe this is where being discerning and wise not to expect everyone to just know, understand and except the way you flow. Being sensitive to the needs of others can only help them be more receptive to the move of God through you. Thank you for the wonderful post.


  2. @Nicole.. yes discernment is so key. Not being selfish is the way to make it work. It ain't about you or me, it's about God. Thanks for the comment!


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