Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Appreciate The Love

"You said, 'Listen now, and I will speak;
       I will question you,
       and you shall answer me.'
 My ears had heard of you
       but now my eyes have seen you.
 Therefore I despise myself
       and repent in dust and ashes." – Job 42: 4-6

Today’s Reading: Job 41-42; Acts: 16:22-40

It’s funny how it often takes the lowest of lows to appreciate the wonderful things in our lives that have been there all the time.
Right under our noses…

I realized this last year when I broke my ankle. I have always been a very active person. I grew up playing basketball and as an adult have made the transition to Capoeira. I cannot remember an extended period of time where I did not do some kind of exercise.  

I was really frustrated by it. I was in a cast and literally could not care for myself. Sure I could crutch myself to the bus stop to get to work but that was about it. I couldn’t buy my own groceries. I couldn’t drive. I was dependent on others.

I hate that.

It was in this moment of need that I discovered the love that surrounded me. I had no idea how many loving people I had in my life. Their acts of loving service made my life much easier. Looking back on it I felt bad. I felt bad for not recognizing the love that these special people have for me. Since then I have worked hard to try to express my love for them in return.

Y’all know who you are. I love you!

Unfortunately I go through this same thing with God. It seems like I get real close to God when times get tough. And when I emerge from the tough season with 20/20 hind sight I am able to see that God was always there. He was there in the good times and in the bad. It was just that in the bad times I wasn’t checking for him.

Sometimes it takes going through the valleys of life to be able to actually see what God can do. Like Job said, before he had heard of God but now he sees Him.

I can relate.

That next step is to get to a place where I continue to see him when times are good. I imagine that if I can keep that humble focus during the highs, my lows won’t go as low or last as long.

And if they do, I’ll have that much more faith to sustain me through them.

A work in progress I am… just like you.

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