Jesus said, "For judgment I have come into this world, so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind."
Some Pharisees who were with him heard him say this and asked, "What? Are we blind too?"
Jesus said, "If you were blind, you would not be guilty of sin; but now that you claim you can see, your guilt remains. – John 9:39-41
Today’s Reading: 1 Chronicles 28-29; John 9:24-41
I was once like the Pharisees.
I thought that I could see everything, understand all the mysteries of the universe, solve any problem. I was addicted to pursuing truth. I was a truthaholic.
It’s amazing to look back and see how arrogant I was.
I know I have said this in the past but there really is so much we can learn when we accept that we know nothing at all.
Have you ever had to make a brochure, presentation, or document that would be seen by many important people? I’m sure that after your initial design effort you reviewed it over and over again to check for any stupid spelling errors or mistakes.
But what happened when you showed it to someone else?
They were probably able to quickly identify an area of improvement… something that you could not see.
Many times we look at life through stale eyes. Our eyes are made stale by our experiences, hopes, dreams, disappointments and accomplishments. The more we live and rely on what we think we know the more our vision is skewed by the prism of our experience.
We become blinded by subjectivity.
When you think about it, this is where judgment comes from. We look at others through the lens of our own experience and apply our rules and regulations to their conduct.
But this lens has a blind spot. Just like how you couldn’t see the glaring error in the project you were working on, we have a hard time seeing the glaring flaws in the lives we are living.
As Jesus suggested, we point out the splinters in another person’s eye but cannot see the planks in our own.
This is how I understand the passage above. We have a tendency to fall into the trap of worshiping our own minds by thinking that our own perspective is truth.
I believe that truth, like God, is a concept too great to comprehend. I used to seek it out but not any more.
That’s above my pay grade.
My name is Clarence Mitchell and am a truthaholic. Finally, I see that I know nothing.
I echo your sentiments of the first step in attaining any knowledge is to acknowledge you know nothing at all. But I wouldn't blend that with the pursuit of truth. I think the pursuit of truth, combined with the humility and acceptance of knowing nothing is the catalyst and foundation of true wisdom
ReplyDeleteGreat point sir!
ReplyDeleteI agree with you here. I see it as a tricky circle really. The constant pursuit of truth must continually be intertwined with a recognition of one's position in the universe... as a powerful change agent and simultaneously and infinitely small speck of dust.
If we err too greatly on either side we will fall into a dangerous ignorance... destructive to ourselves and others.