David said to the Philistine, "You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of the armies of
So finally we have arrived at the famous story of David and Goliath. You can read the whole story here but here’s the summary:
Goliath was a bad bad man…
For forty days Goliath came out in front of the whole army of
But enter David stage left…
David went to the battlefield with food for his brothers and he over heard the Israeli troops talking about Goliath in complete fear. David, the brash youngster that he was, stepped up to the challenge. He had already slain lions and bears with his bare hands… one man would be no problem.
Umm… I guess he was pretty qualified for the task, though animals don’t have spears and swords.
So David pics up five stones and walks to the battlefield. And then, we arrive at the verses above and you know what happens next. David puts him down with one snap of his sling shot.
Ok what’s the message here?
When it comes to getting those miracles in life it’s like E-40 says… Go hard or go home. It’s as simple as that.
So you may not be ready to slay the Goliaths in your path; that’s ok. On the way to your purpose you will get practice slaying the lions and bears that that come first along the way. They may be in your own mind like this guy.
You might even stumble when you are first faced with a Goliath sized challenge. That’s ok too. That’s why David picked up five stones. He might have missed with the first one… we’ve gotta give ourselves the opportunity to try again if we fail.
But in the end, if you keep slinging your rocks of faith at the obstacles in your path, you will overcome. Your Goliaths will fall and you will prevail.
And the more practice you have at slaying your Goliaths, the fewer stones you will need to bring them down.
Today’s Reading: 1 Samuel 17-18: Luke 11:1-28
Hey Clarence, if I had to choose any person in the bible other than Jesus, I would say David is that person I most identify with.
ReplyDeleteMeaning, I have had some really highs in my walk with the Lord, as well as, some lows.
I like what you stated "we’ve gotta give ourselves the opportunity to try again if we fail."
On that note, responding to your request from yesterday, a couple of things that have changed since I've began reading you blog is:
First, one of the most important things I believe is my thinking.
"As a man thinketh, so is he."
Second, I've got my passion back. God has used you to encourage me in pressing forward, but this time with joy.
Although I’m a very productive person, I have “found myself” doing things without any passion.
Bottom line, thank you for being “who” you are and letting God use you, as you are.
Your sister in Christ
Thank you for your kind words! I definitely feel humbled by them.
ReplyDeleteI identify with David as well... He was a man after God's own heart, highly praised and he made some major mistakes. He even murdered an innocent man! But when it came down to it he always came to God with humility and praise.
Dude was a G.
My favs are David and Gideon. I'm going to post a favorite people link list with all of my past posts on my favorite Bible characters..
Stay tuned...