…Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave— just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." – Matthew 20: 26-28
Today's Reading: Exodus 25-26, Matthew 20: 17-34
This is really interesting to me. So greatness comes with giving…
It seems that we live in times where people are really focused on serving themselves instead of others.
Or maybe that’s just I perceive it.
On the surface I see so many people on their solo grind. They are either pursuing acting, or writing, or starting a business, or they are an artist trying to get signed on a label.
And many of these same folk struggle for years in futility wondering why they haven’t popped yet.
Of course for some, it very well may be that they haven’t popped because they aren’t talented at what they are striving for.
Rough game.
But often times these folk are talented. So what is the deal?
I have a theory. I think that the more we give the more we get. Just like Jesus said in the quote above, it is the biggest servants that end up becoming the greatest people.
We know many famously rich people who have made it their purpose to give and as a result were entrusted with fabulous resources. Warren Buffett is an obvious example (he decided in his 20s that he would give his future fortune to society). But that may seem far away.
Here is an example of this concept that I see happening in my life right now.
I have a good friend named Yohance. He is a really gifted writer and MC and music has been his passion for as long as I have known him. Yohance is also one of the most genuinely good people that I know.
I’ve seen him work really hard to pursue his dream but it’s been hard for him just like it is for many others.
Recently he started doing something that really impressed me. He combined his love for music, his good natured desire to serve others, and his amazing talent of connecting all of the random people he knows around the world.
He started interviewing folk.
I’m not talking about “famous” folk who are on the radio. Nope. He started interviewing people that he is a fan of. He started interviewing his peers and friends.
Are you humble enough to do that?
I don’t think I am.
Most of us are looking at our peers with a competitive eye, constantly cutting each other down in our minds. But not Yohance. He started with a basic question: “Why does music suck and where is the good music?” And from there he realized that there were so many artists around him who may not be on the radio but made the kind of music he likes.
So he’s giving them the attention that he feels they deserve. He showcases them the best way he can so that he can share not only their art but also their vision of a future with music that touches the soul.
Does this mean that he’s going to get a record deal tomorrow? I don’t know. But what I do see is that his selfless idea of shining a light on the artists that he likes is starting to get noticed. He is making new friends. He is solidifying connections. Doors are opening. Opportunities are presenting themselves.
Maybe it is one of these doors that will uncover the opportunity he needs to achieve his dreams.
We soon shall see…
I love the way you look at things, but one must be obedient also. Remember Mary and Martha, Martha was so busy trying to serve that she failed to understand that spending time in Jesus's presence was more important in that moment. I agree with you when you said people are so focused on serving themselves and steady focusing on their careers.
ReplyDeleteMatthew 26:4 teaches that you cant worship two gods at once, Loving one you'll end up hating the other. One must take caution as to what they are serving, or where they are putting their focus. God should always come first and foremost. Pray for his will, not ours.
Well done friend =)